In the competitive AEC world, efficiency can be an elusive target, particularly when considering technology. Most AEC-focused organizations are striving to improve efficiency, but challenges often get in the way.
Perhaps a critical project needs to be completed before anything else can be considered. While development of company or agency standards is important, the pressure to meet project deliverables often means that nonbillable or overhead tasks take a backseat. Consequently, many organizations find themselves “reinventing the wheel” on each project, rather than dedicating time to planning workflow improvements or exploring new and valuable tools. Meanwhile, this can take a toll on employee morale, making staff retention a challenge.
Image source: Stuart Miles/
For organizations navigating any of these challenges, technology consultants offer a clear path to success. By leveraging their industry and technology experience and expertise, they can help streamline processes, overcome various obstacles, and unlock the full potential of CAD and BIM and other technologies, ensuring a lasting impact on both efficiency and growth.
Technology consultants play a crucial role in helping organizations tackle common hurdles. From expert consulting and tailored training to optimizing workflows and providing guidance on technology adoption, they offer comprehensive support to drive efficiency and success. Organizations often have the right intentions in these areas but may lack the resources to address the challenges effectively, which can hinder their ability to improve overall operations and drive progress.
Employee training is a critical area where many firms often require support to enhance skills and drive performance. Most AEC firms do not have dedicated trainers covering the necessary areas of expertise.
U.S. CAD, An ARKANCE Company, can help improve your company’s efficiency by analyzing workflows. Image source: Jacob Lund/
A technology consultant such as U.S. CAD, An ARKANCE Company, can offer a variety of training and mentoring options to meet specific needs. In some cases, in-person training may be the preferred option. In other cases, remote or virtual training is more effective. For some organizations, a combination of training methods is needed to meet various objectives, according to KaDe King, Senior Technical Specialist and Training Manager for the Infrastructure/Government business unit at U.S. CAD, An ARKANCE Company.
“We try to make training specific to each client,” said King. “With customized training, you can take classroom techniques and build them into an organization’s workflow.” She cited an example of an engineering/surveying firm that needs AutoCAD training. In that case, training might be more effective if based on Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D, rather than generic AutoCAD or some other toolset.
Another strategy for improving efficiency is to analyze workflows and identify potential improvements. This may include implementing new technology, or in some cases, simply making better use of tools already available. For example, some users may not realize that Autodesk Civil 3D includes Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D, which offers features such as importing Esri GIS data. Similarly, the Autodesk AEC Collection includes a vehicle tracking feature that enables vehicle swept-path prediction for steered vehicles, light rail vehicles, and aircraft. In the past, AEC professionals had to purchase separate software for these analyses.
Standardization is another key area where teams can make significant improvements. For optimal efficiency, design teams should have startup templates for various types of projects, as well as standards for layering, blocks, and symbols. While many firms have some of these items in place, they often need assistance to expand and fully implement these standards across their workflows.
Customization can greatly improve efficiency by automating repetitive, multi-step processes, streamlining tasks, and reducing the potential for errors. For teams without in-house customization resources, a technology consultant can either provide the necessary resources or train staff how to develop customized routines.
Data storage can also benefit from a thorough review and optimization. Many organizations limit their efficiency by relying on local servers and transferring files as needed to other interested parties. By shifting to cloud storage, firms can unlock new ways for seamless collaboration with project stakeholders and improve overall efficiency.
One of the benefits with working with a consultant is unifying your staff. Image source: NASSRI/
Before engaging a technology consultant, most organizations naturally want to understand the tangible benefits they can anticipate. Partnering with an expert consultant can lead to significant efficiency gains for both new and existing employees, streamlined IT processes, and a more cohesive, aligned staff — resulting in improved productivity and long-term success.
Efficiency gains are often directly related to proper training. For new employees, training helps them “hit the ground running,” said King. For existing employees, it can help them complete work faster than before. And for both new and long-time employees, training can help improve morale and employee retention. “You want to avoid frustrating employees by expecting them to train themselves and teach themselves company standards, so it’s important to have a good process in place,” she added.
A technology consultant can also help smooth IT processes and alleviate some of the burdens on an organization’s core staff. For organizations with dedicated IT staff, it’s common for them to handle software installations, but this can be overwhelming when specialized software such as CAD, BIM, and engineering tools are involved, as they often require additional expertise for implementation, configuration, and troubleshooting. For organizations without IT staff, employees often try to manage these installations themselves, which can lead to inefficiencies and errors. A technology consultant can provide the necessary expertise to ensure smooth implementations and proper use of these specialized tools.
“Having a partner who is familiar with the software can be a big benefit,” said King. This includes familiarity with software and its features, as well as how to uninstall and troubleshoot the products. In some cases, U.S. CAD, An ARKANCE Company, handles software installation for clients, while in other cases, they provide basic guidance, and the client handles installation. “I think both of those are effective, depending on the company,” said King.
In addition to IT assistance, a technology consultant can help AEC firms better align staff to improve collaboration. Many AEC firms provide multi-discipline services with experts in various areas. This can lead to “silos” where individuals focus on their own areas with little awareness of what others are doing. An experienced technology consultant can help bridge gaps and unify staff in more team-oriented workflows. “We can help IT, engineering, and GIS people communicate, create plans, and work across their divisions,” said King.
When working with a consultant, it’s important to set goals and identify potential roadblocks. Image source: gstockstudio/
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) experienced first-hand the benefits of a technology consultant. MDT needed assistance in transforming its design processes to focus on digital model-based delivery, rather than traditional paper-based plans. The new approach would enable MDT to share 3D information more seamlessly with engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders, some of whom are not familiar with reviewing construction plan sets in a 2D format.
Recognizing the magnitude of this shift, MDT developed specific requirements and solicited proposals from multiple technology firms for training and implementation services. After an intense review process, MDT selected an alliance of Autodesk and U.S. CAD, An ARKANCE Company, to provide the services. The team guided MDT through the redesign of a project previously completed with legacy tools, and MDT is now implementing the process on new projects.
“We now are developing and putting into standard practices workflows that allow us to leverage not just the technology, but the collaboration opportunities Autodesk offers,” said Patrick Lane, MDT’s BIM Digital Delivery Program Manager.
In addition to the direct benefits on projects, technology consultants can measure success in other ways. For both private firms and public agencies, U.S. CAD, An ARKANCE Company, includes various forms of follow-up after performing services. “We like to include mentoring hours after the fact, to ask some key questions,” said King. “‘Do you need more training? Do you need help updating your customization or blocks? What are you struggling with?’ It helps us to gauge where we’ve succeeded and maybe where we missed something. And that really helps improve our success rate.”
A relationship of trust is also a key measurement of success. “If in the end I still have a good relationship with this client, and they can come back to me and say, ‘We trust you,’ that’s a very strong measure of success,” noted King. Honesty and forthrightness are also key to a strong partnership. “I think, being very honest with people and acknowledging problems as you go is also helpful,” said King. “Sometimes it’s helpful to identify potential roadblocks before you start and discuss how they might be addressed.” Then, at completion of the project or at key milestones, the partners can evaluate how the roadblocks were addressed, again as a measurement of success.
As technology continues to advance, the AEC industry can expect additional opportunities for technology to improve business operations. The move to cloud-based projects and collaboration will likely continue across the industry. Similarly, data sharing among various disciplines, such as engineering, planning, and GIS professionals, is expanding. New technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, while still in early stages, appear to be gaining momentum.
With changes in the works, AEC organizations should strive to address current technology challenges and be prepared for additional challenges. By working with an experienced technology consultant, organizations can better address key areas such as training, workflow efficiency, and standards, and be better equipped to face future challenges.
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