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A Place for CAD Plugins

SPONSORED: A new app store marketplace for CAD software and industry solutions.

MERViSOFT GmbH, a company with more than 25 years of experience in the CAD sector, is launching a new independent marketplace for industry-specific CAD solutions, an app store for CAD plug-ins in April 2023. This option will bring CAD users the ability to more easily find add-ons to their design programs and for CAD developers, they can more easily reach potential users — a win for both users and developers.


For the CAD User

Starting in April, users will find a full spectrum of applications from a wide range of industries at CADSOMA.com, enabling them to optimize their own CAD workflow. As most users know, finding the correct add-on for your CAD system can be difficult. When asked why MERViSOFT is launching the new marketplace, Dirk Redmer, Managing Director of MERViSOFT, says, "CAD occupies a special position within the software industry: In most cases, the actual CAD software only serves as a basis on which industry-specific plug-ins or applications then run."

The market for such industry solutions is often not so easy to keep track of. There are numerous small providers who develop solutions, with some of them being very specialized. Sometimes the only place users can find them is on the platforms of the manufacturers of the respective CAD basic software. "In the future, users will find exactly the application they are looking for on CADSOMA," says Redmer, explaining the concept, "regardless of which CAD platform is used."

In addition to CAD software, CADSOMA will also offer services around CAD, such as training, BIM management, consulting, and support for a variety of CAD programs. There are also plans for CADSOMA to offer hardware consultations for customers, for products such as desktop PCs, laptops, 3D mouse, monitors, and scanner devices.




CAD users will be able to find and purchase specialized apps through CADSOMA. 


An Answer for CAD Companies

For software developers, the new marketplace also brings advantages. Smaller companies in particular will be able to rely on sales support on CADSOMA that perhaps they cannot provide internally. Having a marketplace where users can find a variety of add-ons makes it easier for CAD developers to reach customers. In addition to the regular listings, they can also further increase their reach by placing advertising on the marketplace. Companies can book banners on CADSOMA at a 60% discount in the first year and they’ll be visible to end users by 2nd quarter.

A payment and settlement function integrated in CADSOMA additionally assists smaller companies by handling sales. Every reseller (developer/company) can sell products via their own payment system of choice, such as via PayPal or Stripe account. In addition, suppliers have a full overview of their customer data and sales on the platform at all times.

MERViSOFT is working hard to fill all the listings for different CAD add-on categories. Companies who register their software with CADSOMA will receive the benefits of the new app store for CAD plug-ins free of charge for the first year, with only the fees for sales (commission) charged from April. The company states that it has received 7.500 visitors on the site since its inception. Companies can register now to start selling and promoting CAD software in April at cadsoma.com/sign-up.

For more information, users can visit www.cadsoma.com or email hello@cadsoma.com

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