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CADspeed -- Optimizing Hardware for CAD Software

AutoCAD WS for Facilities Management – Part 2: Managing Your Space from the Cloud

Posted by cadhardware

Dec 22, 2011 12:08:34 PM

Welcome to the second part of the series of AutoCAD WS for Facilities Management (or FM as we call it).

In Part 1, we talked about how easy it is to work with our FM drawings in the cloud using AutoCAD WS and a mobile device, such as a tablet. So, this time we are going to go in to a bit more detail.

Managing Your Space from the Cloud

Space management is a must in FM and rooms need to be “tagged” with an identifier, such as a room number (see Fig.1) below.

An FM drawing with room numbers shown.

As you can see, the rooms are classed as RM-0012 and RM-0013. So, based on Part 1 of this series, what happens if those rooms are re-numbered on site in Abu Dhabi and we need to let the facilities manager in London know?

Step 1

That’s where the wonder of AutoCAD WS kicks in. Using the uploaded drawing in AutoCAD WS on a mobile device, our FM technician in Abu Dhabi can update the room numbers on the fly, saving the drawing as he/she goes.

Room number revised in AutoCAD WS on mobile device.

Step 2

The facilities technician then shares the saved drawing from AutoCAD WS using the Share button which sends an email back to London.

The AutoCAD WS Share dialog box.

Step 3

The facilities manager in London receives an email with the share invite and can open the drawing in AutoCAD WS or just download the revised drawing in full AutoCAD with the changes already in place.

Email received from AutoCAD WS with option to download revised drawing from the cloud.

So, again, AutoCAD WS on a mobile device provides that 24/7 timeline and allows space management from the cloud.

Author: Shaun Bryant

Topics: Workstations, Autodesk, Hardware, Facilities Management, AutoCAD, Mobile Workstations, Connectivity, Laptops, CAD

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