With extreme weather events impacting cities around the world and urban population growth...
Augmented Reality Finding New Uses in the Field
For anyone who worked on a survey crew a decade or more ago, a common scenario was the laborious...
Airport Construction Takes Off
Updated February 17, 2024. A post-pandemic rebound in air traffic, along with hefty government...
COP28 Attendees See Changes on the Horizon for AEC Industry
Proceedings of the recent COP28 climate conference could significantly impact the AEC industry, as...
As drones have become more publicly accessible over the last couple of decades, construction...
For building designers, some of the most challenging and time-consuming work occurs during...
Of all the technologies on the horizon for civil engineering, artificial intelligence may be one of...
Virtual reality (VR) and other reality immersion tools are proving to be more than just novelty...
With the growth of data collection technology in the last decade, civil engineers and surveyors...
Handheld data collectors are streamlining GIS processes and offering features once only available...
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PLUS... CAD programming tips from Andrew G. Roe.