The first part of this series about upgrading CAD software and hardware talked about using the Information Technology Lifecycle to help define how computer software and hardware can support your company's business goals. These first three steps help you define the needs and measure your current productivity levels.
Step 1
Define your company's needs to understand how it uses technology. The truth is that if you are a CAD user, technology is highly relevant to your job function. In fact, we'd go so far as to say the two elements are inseparable. Summarize your company's need as succinctly as possible. My company develops and manufactures widgets that are designed with ABC CAD software and produced via XYZ CAM software using DEFG equipment.
Step 2
Measure your technology pain points and their impact on the organization's productivity. Here's where users get to really show how an upgrade can make their life easier. Are systems timing out? Crashing frequently? Are you missing deadlines because of system inefficiencies? Do you need better collaboration tools? List the problems and how they make your job harder, because these things are making your IT department's job harder too.
Step 3
Analyze what works and what needs to be improved. Chances are not everything is problematic, so figure out what works well, too. By identifying what is working right, you can better define the areas that need to be improved.
Next we'll discuss how to recommend solutions.
Authors: Mark Shaw and James Ecklund