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CADspeed -- Optimizing Hardware for CAD Software

Albert - 2013-02-14 04:28:01

Posted by mediashower1

Feb 13, 2013 11:28:01 PM

We are evaluating our current cad stations. we are using HP Mobile Workstations as part of our job involves quite a bit of travel. We are investigating a change to Desktop permanent stations with a large touch screen and then use a surface pro to do AutoCad only but will allow us to use Microsoft Office and Adobe softwares. What is your opinion on the use of Autocad and a touch screen? will Surface run these programs?

AUTHOR: Albert
AUTHOR EMAIL: albert.garcia@buckle.com
SUBJECT: [CADspeed] Contact Us
[Name] => Albert
[Email] => albert.garcia@buckle.com
[Website] =>
[Comment] => We are evaluating our current cad stations. we are using HP Mobile Workstations as part of our job involves quite a bit of travel. We are investigating a change to Desktop permanent stations with a large touch screen and then use a surface pro to do AutoCad only but will allow us to use Microsoft Office and Adobe softwares. What is your opinion on the use of Autocad and a touch screen? will Surface run these programs?

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