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TwitterChat Archive: SolidWorks Optimization with Josh Mings, SolidSmack

Posted by cadhardware

Aug 1, 2011 4:15:59 PM

SolidWorks Optimization with Josh Mings

by cadalyst_mag

Dell- and Cadalyst-Sponsored TwitterChat abput optimizing your system for SolidWorks.
RT @DellEnterprise: Live #CAD chat! Join Dell, @Cadalyst_Mag, & @SolidSmack at #DellCAD, Thursday 4pm East. Info- http://del.ly/6019Rzi5


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: Using #SolidWorks? Join our @SolidSmack TwitterChat today 3pm CST #dellcad http://t.co/3juQzy1


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: RT @Cadalyst_Mag: Using #SolidWorks? Join our @SolidSmack TwitterChat today 3pm CST #dellcad http://t.co/3juQzy1


July 28, 2011

Do you use SolidWorks? Join our chat with @SolidSmack & @Cadalyst_Mag that starts --in just 3 hours-- using #DellCAD http://del.ly/6012RzUe


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: Do you use SolidWorks? Join our chat with @SolidSmack & @Cadalyst_Mag that starts --in just 3 hours-- using #DellCAD http://del.ly/6012RzUe


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: Join us, @SolidSmack and @Cadalyst_Mag TODAY at 3pm Central for a TwitterChat on #SolidWorks. Hastag = #DellCAD http://del.ly/6012Rzmu


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: Join us, @SolidSmack and @Cadalyst_Mag TODAY at 3pm Central for a TwitterChat on #SolidWorks. Hastag = #DellCAD http://del.ly/6012Rzmu


July 28, 2011

RT: Do you use SolidWorks? Join our chat with @SolidSmack & @Cadalyst_Mag that starts --in just 3 hours-- using #DellCAD http://t.co/vY2U7gd


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: Join us, @SolidSmack and @Cadalyst_Mag TODAY at 3pm Central for a TwitterChat on #SolidWorks. Hastag = #DellCAD http://del.ly/6012Rzmu


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD TwitterChat in 1 hour with @SolidSmack: Performance optimization with #SolidWorks. http://t.co/3juQzy1


July 28, 2011

30 min until our tweetchat w/ @SolidSmack & @Cadalyst_Mag to talk SolidWorks performance & workstations. #DellCAD http://del.ly/6011RzSt


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: 30 min until our tweetchat w/ @SolidSmack & @Cadalyst_Mag to talk SolidWorks performance & workstations. #DellCAD http://del.ly/6011RzSt


July 28, 2011

20 minutes till @joshmings fills your tweet stream with sweet #SolidWorks Performance Q&A. Grab a ham and follow #DellCAD @Cadalyst_Mag


July 28, 2011

Live Twitter chat on CAD starting now! See #DellCAD to join in the conversation.


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD TweetChat in 5 min with @SolidSmack. Grab a cup of coffee and let's talk #SolidWorks. http://t.co/3juQzy1


July 28, 2011

Twitter chat with @solidsmack starting in 4 minutes. Shantanu Kedar from the SolidWorks Partner Team will be helping out on our end #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

getting ready to hang with @joshmings to chat about SolidWorks performance and workstations - join #DellCAD (I'll be there as @DellSMBnews)


July 28, 2011

RT: @DellEnterprise Live Twitter chat on CAD starting now! See #DellCAD to join in the conversation.


July 28, 2011

Welcome to the #DellCAD TwitterChat with @SolidSmack. We’re talking about #SolidWorks optimization right now.


July 28, 2011

I’m Michelle with @Cadalyst_Mag. Please use #DellCAD to follow along as we chat with Josh Mings of @SolidSmack about #SolidWorks.


July 28, 2011

One of Cadalyst’s favorite bloggers, Josh Mings @SolidSmack is ready for your questions. Use #DellCAD to ask a ?.


July 28, 2011

We're excited to be partnering with @CADalyst_Mag and @SolidSmack today to talk workstations and SolidWorks performance at #DellCAD!


July 28, 2011

Want to optimize the gravy bits out of #SolidWorks on your workstation? Tell us your story at #DellCAD right about... now.


July 28, 2011

Please introduce yourself at any time in the conversation by using the #DellCAD hashtag.


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD tweetchat starting now. Join the discussion about optimizing your workstation performance for #SolidWorks


July 28, 2011

Remember to use #DellCAD in your tweets to join in the conversation about optimizing #SolidWorks.


July 28, 2011

My favorite way to optimize SolidWorks? Smart modeling practice - minimize external ref, reduce relations, complex features last #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

checking out #DellCAD looking forward to what Josh has to say


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: I’m Michelle with @Cadalyst_Mag. Please use #DellCAD to follow along as we chat with Josh Mings of @SolidSmack about #SolidWorks.


July 28, 2011

RT @LaurenatDell: #DellCAD tweetchat starting now. Join the discussion about optimizing your workstation performance for #SolidWorks


July 28, 2011

@waldenweb nice to see ya John. How's the SolidWorks performance these days? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Jumping into TwitterChat now w/ @SolidSmack #DellCAD - I'm mostly a PDM/PLM guy, but Josh is 2 cool to miss and I've been a SWX fan for yrs


July 28, 2011

#SolidWorks optimization on the hardware side? Maximize CPU speed. You'll be glad you did. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @jonathanpscott: Jumping into TwitterChat now w/ @SolidSmack #DellCAD - I'm mostly a PDM/PLM guy, but Josh is 2 cool to miss and I've been a SWX fan for yrs


July 28, 2011

RT @LaurenatDell: #DellCAD tweetchat starting now. Join the discussion about optimizing your workstation performance for #SolidWorks


July 28, 2011

How do you optimize file colaboration with Solidworks? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: #SolidWorks optimization on the hardware side? Maximize CPU speed. You'll be glad you did. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD: Josh, we've got a reader who needs to upgrade to run the latest #SolidWorks. What do you recommend?


July 28, 2011

RT @LPT: getting ready to hang with @joshmings to chat about SolidWorks performance and workstations - join #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Running SW2010 on Windows 7 64bit with 8G Ram, working pretty well #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

If upgrading to SolidWorks 2011, go Windows 7 64bit, 6GB RAM minimum (It's cheap!), 1GB graphics card is nice too. @Cadalyst_Mag #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Ooh, question about #SolidWorks file collaboration optimization on #DellCAD - now you've got my full attention!


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: #DellCAD: Josh, we've got a reader who needs to upgrade to run the latest #SolidWorks. What do you recommend?


July 28, 2011

RT @johnevansdesign: RT @LPT: getting ready to hang with @joshmings to chat about SolidWorks performance and workstations - join #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: One of Cadalyst’s favorite bloggers, Josh Mings @SolidSmack is ready for your questions. Use #DellCAD to ask a ?.


July 28, 2011

@waldenweb - 8GB of RAM -- worth it, you think? I believe the more RAM, the better. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@bcbenton file collaboration: two ways - 1) work off network with established file name convention #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: If upgrading to SolidWorks 2011, go Windows 7 64bit, 6GB RAM minimum (It's cheap!), 1GB graphics card is nice too. @Cadalyst_Mag #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@bcbenton file collaboration (cont) 2) invest in PDM system. sad but true with that. pricey but worth it for med to large company. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

On the @solidsmack tweet stream listening to @joshmings #SolidWorks performance Q&A #dellcad


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: If upgrading to SolidWorks 2011, go Windows 7 64bit, 6GB RAM minimum (It's cheap!), 1GB graphics card is nice too. @Cadalyst_Mag #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag - your reader that is upgrading might find our workstation advisor tool helpful, too: http://del.ly/6011RztB #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @JohnEvansDesign: RT @LPT: getting ready to hang with @joshmings to chat about SolidWorks performance and workstations - join #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

I like answer #2 to @bcbenton question on SWX file collaboration - use PDM if you can afford it. You get collab AND other benefits #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Did you know Dell Precision workstations are specifically designed for professionals like those of you who use #SolidWorks? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag @waldenweb running one rig with 2 Processors and 24GB of RAM.... wooooow, worth it. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

lightweight components and large assembly mode will help with the optimization. #Dellcad


July 28, 2011

@jonathanpscott what are your thoughts on how PDM helps optimize SolidWorks and Workstation? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

I just drooled a little: @SolidSmack @waldenweb running one rig with 2 Processors and 24GB of RAM.... wooooow, worth it. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Questions about CAD hardware configurations? Ask a #Dell expert - @DellRonnie - on #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

true, and SpeedPacks! @lazytrax: lazytrax: lightweight components and large assembly mode will help with SolidWorks optimization. #Dellcad


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD @SolidSmack One big way is thru view/search ability - non-PDM SWX users sometimes load everything into session just to find 1 part


July 28, 2011

@SolidSmack @bcbenton 1/file share or 2/PDM is pretty much all what available today mainstream for collaboration. #dellcad


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD: We've got another reader who is new to #SolidWorks RealView. Any tips on hardware or software optimization?


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD @SolidSmack Another PDM plus is managing the 3D->2D link. SWX is OK on the 2D->3D direction. But can cost time to find drws from 3D


July 28, 2011

RT @dellsmbnews: @Cadalyst_Mag your reader that's upgrading might find our workstation advisor tool helpful http://del.ly/6011RztB #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @LaurenatDell: Questions about CAD hardware configurations? Ask a #Dell expert - @DellRonnie - on #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Is anyone using/not using #SolidWorks RealView? Why or why not? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: One of Cadalyst’s favorite bloggers, Josh Mings @SolidSmack is ready for your questions. Use #DellCAD to ask a ?.


July 28, 2011

If there are any specific #Dell questions about CAD workstation configurations, let me know! #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

unreal RT @Cadalyst_Mag: I just drooled a little: @SolidSmack @waldenweb running one rig with 2 Processors and 24GB of RAM.. #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag One way to ensure a good RealView experience is to have a professional level graphics card. #DellCAD http://bit.ly/brRb6X


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD @bcbenton One more collab tip for SWX is using "multi-user env" options - bad news is it doesn't always play nice with PDM systems.


July 28, 2011

A SolidWorks certified GPU will help with RealView. Can view here... some req' additional file http://bit.ly/oyunZT @Cadalyst_Mag #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag - speaking of drooling... here's a fun workstation-related video for motorcycle fans joining #DellCAD http://del.ly/6013Rzt3


July 28, 2011

Introduce yourself at any time in the conversation by using the #DellCAD hashtag.


July 28, 2011

#Dellcad RealView feels distracting/unnecessary, not real. Zebra stripes w/surfaces and preview w/PW pretty much removes the need also


July 28, 2011

#Dellcad that should be: preview with PhotoView, PV, not PW


July 28, 2011

RT @bcbenton: RT @dellsmbnews: @Cadalyst_Mag your reader that's upgrading might find our workstation advisor tool helpful http://del.ly/6011RztB #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: @Cadalyst_Mag - speaking of drooling... here's a fun workstation-related video for motorcycle fans joining #DellCAD http://del.ly/6013Rzt3


July 28, 2011

@SolidWorks: Graphics cards! Such a hot topic on #CADspeed. Great link: http://t.co/jy0baxR #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

def for heavy surface modeling! @tonyisme: Zebra stripes w/surfaces and preview w/PW pretty much removes the need for RealView #Dellcad


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: Did you know Dell Precision workstations are specifically designed for professionals like those of you who use #SolidWorks? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @LaurenatDell: Questions about CAD hardware configurations? Ask a #Dell expert - @DellRonnie - on #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Questions about CAD hardware configurations? Ask a #Dell expert - @DellRonnie - on #DellCAD #dellcad


July 28, 2011

and not to leave F1 fans in #DellCAD out, we've also got video of Dell workstations helping Cosworth build engines: http://del.ly/6016Rztu


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD Anybody using Solid State Drives to help their #SolidWorks performance? Made a huge difference on my laptop!


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD If you missed Josh's blog on #CADspeed: Optimize #SolidWorks & be a happier user - http://t.co/BJ1A8MC


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: Is anyone using/not using #SolidWorks RealView? Why or why not? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Do you have a dedicated computer just for #SolidWorks? or do you run everything on one? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Another hot topic - opinions? @jonathanpscott: #DellCAD Anybody using Solid State Drives to help their #SolidWorks performance?


July 28, 2011

Dell Precision certified Workstations are optimized for #Solidworks. Check out our latest workstations: http://t.co/YylUTNW #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@solidsmack I run SWX alongside all my other apps - but then again, I am a PDM guy... #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: #DellCAD If you missed Josh's blog on #CADspeed: Optimize #SolidWorks & be a happier user - http://t.co/BJ1A8MC


July 28, 2011

Have you checked out the CADspeed blog yet http://cadspeed.wordpress.com #dellcad


July 28, 2011

@jonathanpscott #Dellcad ssd impr. file loading a lot. Not much to gain on modeling or sim performance though. The CPU still needs to chew


July 28, 2011

RT @jonathanpscott: #DellCAD Anybody using Solid State Drives to help their #SolidWorks performance? Made a huge difference on my laptop!


July 28, 2011

@jonathanpscott exactly! you are running SolidWorks (btw me too), but actually not using it (lol) @solidsmack #dellcad


July 28, 2011

@olegshilovitsky #DellCAD Oleg - you are right about that! LOL I rarely model much more than a plate. :)


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag @jonathanpscott @solidsmack I'm using SSD. Not only for Solidworks. It helps a lot for performance. #dellcad


July 28, 2011

@cadcompany : Questions about CAD hardware configurations? Ask a #Dell expert - @DellRonnie - on #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Follow a workstation guru > RT @DellRonnie: Dell Precision certified Workstations are optimized for #Solidworks. dell.com/precision #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @olegshilovitsky: @Cadalyst_Mag @jonathanpscott @solidsmack I'm using SSD. Not only for Solidworks. It helps a lot for performance. #dellcad


July 28, 2011

SSD and SATA combination environment is a good way to optimize speed and storage. SSD's getting cheaper. @tonyisme @jonathanpscott #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

@DellRonnie: Any advice on switching to SSD? #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: SSD and SATA combination environment is a good way to optimize speed and storage. SSD's getting cheaper. @tonyisme @jonathanpscott #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

RT @Kylee_Dell: Have you checked out the CADspeed blog yet http://cadspeed.wordpress.com #dellcad


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD Not all SSDs are created equally - remember to check the specs. Its like the difference between 4200 RPM drives and 10k RPM drives.


July 28, 2011

@SolidSmack @jonathanpscott #Dellcad SSD for system disk & SATA for storage/simulation dumping ground <- would be my ideal combo


July 28, 2011

@tonyisme Sounds like a good combo. #DellCAD @DellRonnie - are there Precisions that have multiple HDD config options?


July 28, 2011

RT @jonathanpscott: #DellCAD Not all SSDs are created equally - check the specs. Its like the diff between 4200 RPM and 10k RPM drives.


July 28, 2011

RT @jonathanpscott: #DellCAD Anybody using Solid State Drives to help their #SolidWorks performance? Made a huge difference on my laptop!


July 28, 2011

In case any #DellCAD tweeters need a new workstation quick, 17’’ Precision M6600 w/LCD touch screen now Ships Fast http://del.ly/6014Rztk


July 28, 2011

@jonathanpscott @tonyisme Yes! All of our Precision workstations support multiple HDD configs with RAID options #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

This #DellCAD TwitterChat is sponsored by #Dell. Thanks to @DellSMBNews for their support!


July 28, 2011

@SolidSmack: Is anyone using #SolidWorks RealView? Not often - hurts my eyes when doing detail work #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Thanks also to @AMD_Unprocessed for its support for #DellCAD TwitterChat and the #CADspeed blog.


July 28, 2011

Special thanks to one of our favorite bloggers, Josh Mings @SolidSmack for a great #DellCAD TwitterChat.


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD: @solidworks Thanks to the #SolidWorks team for their support!


July 28, 2011

@DellSMBnews you need to remove the insanely annoying floating "wanna chat" box. Seriously #Dellcad #offtopic


July 28, 2011

A full transcript will be available after the TwitterChat. Watch for #DellCAD or follow @Cadalyst_Mag for the link.


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag - you're very welcome. And thanks to you, @SolidSmack and everyone else who joined us for #DellCAD today!


July 28, 2011

The #DellCAD TwitterChat is officially closed. Please feel free to keep chatting amongst yourselves. Thanks to all for participating!


July 28, 2011

RT @Cadalyst_Mag: A full transcript will be available after the TwitterChat. Watch for #DellCAD or follow @Cadalyst_Mag for the link.


July 28, 2011

#DellCAD Thanks, Josh (@SolidSmack). Good TwitterChat.


July 28, 2011

@Cadalyst_Mag great initiative! #Dellcad


July 28, 2011

learned about tweet chat made by #dellcad and @solidsmack. maybe we need to have one about #PLM?


July 28, 2011

Also, check out the #SolidWorks performance article here on the CADSpeed blog http://bit.ly/papOs0 #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Thanks @solidsmack @cadalyst_mag @DellSMBNews for a nice TwitterChat today #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

While today's #DellCAD tweetchat has officially ended the conversation doesn't have to stop! Continue to use the hashtag, follow @DellRonnie


July 28, 2011

RT @SolidSmack: Also, check out the #SolidWorks performance article here on the CADSpeed blog http://bit.ly/papOs0 #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

Also > RT @SolidSmack: [...] wondering about SolidWorks/Workstation performance email josh@solidsmack.com or stop by solidsmack.com #DellCAD


July 28, 2011

And > RT @Cadalyst_Mag: A full transcript will be available after the TwitterChat. Watch for #DellCAD or follow @Cadalyst_Mag for the link.


July 28, 2011

@razorleaf - you're very welcome! thank you for joining #DellCAD ~LPT


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: In case any #DellCAD tweeters need a new workstation quick, 17’’ Precision M6600 w/LCD touch screen now Ships Fast http://del.ly/6014Rztk


July 28, 2011

RT @DellSMBnews: In case any #DellCAD tweeters need a new workstation quick, 17’’ Precision M6600 w/LCD touch screen now Ships Fast http://del.ly/6014Rztk


July 28, 2011

RT @DellEnterprise: Live Twitter chat on CAD starting now! See #DellCAD to join in the conversation.


July 28, 2011

powered by Storify

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Four Practical Approaches to Improving SolidWorks Performance

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 27, 2011 1:58:37 PM

What goes into improving SolidWorks performance? Way too much. Really, programs, CAD software should be more simple. Hardware should be more simple, but for the very reason that software and hardware are not developed together, we're faced with attempting to optimize both and you... are faced with this article.

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Optimize AutoCAD Civil 3D Performance: Hardware, Operating System and Workflow Upgrades

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 25, 2011 2:11:55 PM

Many AutoCAD Civil 3D users are aware that upgrading to a 64-bit operating system, preferably Windows 7 and Windows Vista (in that order), will give the biggest return on investment when looking at improving performance. Other opportunities to improve performance also exist.

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Set Up an Online Backup System for Your CAD Data, Part 3 - The Enterprise Solution

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 21, 2011 4:42:50 PM

So we established that you need an online backup system for your CAD data, then we gave you some suggestions for solutions if you are a freelancer or small business owner. But what if you work for (or own) a company that is a large CAD service provider?

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Set Up an Online Backup System for Your CAD Data, Part 2 - The Freelancer and the Small Business Owner

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 19, 2011 11:01:00 PM

So we established that you need an online backup system for your CAD data. So, where do you begin?

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Set Up an Online Backup System for Your CAD Data, Part 1

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 14, 2011 1:46:29 PM

Fire. Hurricane. Theft. Tornado. Grape juice. Electrical surge. Really when you get down to it there is no end to the list of disastrous events that can beginning of the end of your workstation’s hard drive. That may seem pretty obvious, but what may not be as obvious is that there is no end to the dangers that your data must face also! Whether you are a corporate giant or a freelancing CAD professional, the danger is really the same. Any day could be the day that you lose your valuable data!

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AutoCAD WS: Go Mobile and Collaborate in Real Time

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 12, 2011 6:27:27 AM

With over 2 million downloads in less than a year — AutoCAD WS has become quite the mobile sensation. Thanks to Cloud technology, you can now upload your drawings to AutoCAD WS — and access them from any iOS (iPod touch, iPAD, iPhone) or Google Android device.

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Avoid Common Mistakes When You Set Up Vectorworks

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 7, 2011 10:18:13 PM

With any design program, no matter how novice or experienced you may be, you’re probably prone to making the occasional error. Start off the right way by checking the basic system recommendations before installing Vectorworks CAD software. System requirements can be found on the Nemetschek Vectorworks website. Also spend some time learning how you can optimize your desktop or workstation and get the most out of your Vectorworks experience.

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The Advantages of Eyefinity for CAD, Part 3: Rules of Thumb

Posted by cadhardware

Jul 5, 2011 6:35:11 PM

Previously in this series, we've talked about using Eyefinity with older displays and how to find the right adapter for non-DisplayPort monitors.

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The Advantages of Eyefinity for CAD, Part 2: Adapters to the Rescue

Posted by cadhardware

Jun 30, 2011 3:54:21 PM

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